The American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA) was formed in 1958 to promote best practices for the rehabilitation counseling profession and working with People With Disabilities (PWDs). A division of the American Counseling Association (ACA), ARCA strives to educate counselors on disability competencies, justice and inclusion, ableism, and other aspects of this work.
ARCA’s Disability-Related Counseling Competencies offer a wealth of information to help counselors gain a better understanding of working with clients with disabilities. Guidelines covered include the following:
- Understanding and Accommodating the Disability Experience
- Advocacy for PWDs and Support of Their Self-Advocacy
- The Counseling Process and Relationship
- Testing and Assessment
- Working With or Supervising PWDs in School, Employment, Community, and Clinical Settings
ARCA is a membership organization that publishes a journal, The Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, offers monthly webinars, and in-person and virtual conferences. Interested counselors can learn more on its website.